Small Tasks Create Big Profits

When you first dream of starting a business, selling a product or service, it feels exciting! Then the work begins. Planning and creating and getting the product or service to market can easily become overwhelming and start to drag out. That’s why project planning is so important.

Breaking a project down into small tasks helps reduce overwhelm and get you ready to profit from your idea. What seems like a mountain of to-dos can become manageable and easier if you take the time to create small tasks. Here’s how-

Step 1. Look at the overall needs of your project.

Your first task after committing to your project is to review it and look at the overall needs. Will you need a website? Do you need a new product or service to launch your product? Will you need staff? Looking at the overall needs of your project will determine which small steps are needed next.

Step 2. Hire and buy what you need.

If you need to hire staff, schedule support or purchase anything to begin your project, get it handled. These small steps are the foundation for all the steps left to come that will launch your goods or services into the market.

Step 3. Break things down.

There is a natural progression for all projects if you take the time to look. Break your project down annually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, etc… depending on the size of your project and length of time for completion. From there, set small tasks that can be handled in a week or a day and check them off the list before adding more.

Step 4. Keep the main thing the main thing.

When you are trying to see a project to completion, distractions are the enemy of progress. It’s up to you to be disciplined and determined to see things through. Don’t allow unnecessary distractions to stop your progress. Set boundaries for distractions and make sure you keep the main focus front of mind.

In the beginning, a new project idea is exhilarating and motivating. Keeping the spirit alive is easier if you don’t bog yourself down with overwhelming lists of things to do. Taking small steps every day will help you get your goods and services to market and make sure you get the profits you deserve for your effort. Keep your tasks small and do them consistently and you’ll be ready to launch in no time.

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